
November 2020 "Update"

Alright, a bit of a newsflash.
I go back to high school during January, so it would make no difference if I decided to take college course classes or not. So I decided I might as well if it means my schedule (for school at least) is gonna get back on track.

I've been thinking of starting up other smaller projects in the mean time, things that I could crank out in maybe a week worth of nights if i actually devoted time to it, in other words 3 months if I'm lazy. During quarantine I've been able to generate new ideas of projects, and even get some work done into them. I think in regards to long term projects I will be set for the next 5 years, 2 at LEAST. And while that is nice to have, I think I need to pump out some smaller projects while I am trying to get my footing. Not to become LAZY by any means, just so I can have something to reference people about my work. Even if they are shorter than my long term projects, I'd still want to put the same love, effort and attention to detail I put in the others. I've thought about participating in a Game Jam at some point but I don't think my schedule as of now has that kind of leniency, ESPECIALLY in regards in how inexperienced I am with coding. However, I'd like to take it at my own pace, with my own rules and my own time limit. People say it's nice to set a deadline to usher yourself to work more, but if I already have more work on top of that, that just means I can't take breaks for anything life related, which hurts me to think about. Hence why I never set a deadline for Panic Machine, either. Boy am I glad I didn't. 

TL;DR, Hi, I'm alive, nothing is going to change regarding classes (sad!), maybe or maybe not expect a smaller project from me in the future.



At this rate I should probably label these devlogs under "Game Design" under the long form discussion part than the general updates, but to be fair these are technically related by correlation so eh

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