
October 2020 "Update"

Ghosts about as dead as this game's progress right now.

The end of the year is heading near and that means that I'll finally be able to get out of these torturous college credit classes. I am also being forced to go back to school on November 10th, so if you don't hear back from me that's probably why. There have been a lot of cases going around and I'm kinda scared to go back, but my friends seem fine so I guess I'll be fine too. If and when this blows over, I'll be out a lot more, and maybe even getting progress on this! I am looking into ways, classes and colleges to enhance my coding skills. I plan on either learning UnityScript or godotscript, though honestly I just need to get better with syntax. In the mean time, I'm spit balling ideas for other games and other types of media. Just something to tide me over until I can get those juices flowing again. Expect something soon unrelated to Panic Machine (?)  maybe. Don't count on it.

Until then, happy hollowgivingmas.

also late devlog because i forgot lol

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